Compression modes in Solr 5.5

The ideal situation is when whole index can be located in memory, due to disk operations are much slower then those in RAM. What’s more, often companies have to fit the requirenments of the tender or reduce server costs, which put pressure on developers to come up with a solution that will make the index smaller.

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Solr with VisualVM via JMX

Recently I had a need to measure Solr memory usage and I decided to use free Oracle tool - VisualVM. As usual an official documentation provides some help, but to make things simpler I extended my Solr startup script for Windows to put all important information in one place.

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Solr startup scripts on Windows

As we all know from Solr website:

Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene.

It’s all true but on the other hand Solr is not known from its ease-of-use. In the fifth version community decided to address one of the main issues making Solr more demanding for newcomers than competition, that is simplicity of startup.

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